
PixellGen MC - Lifesteal, PVP, Creative
Members Online: 18
IguanaCraft Network

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Welcome to IguanaCraft rules page!
Click on the tabs above to see the different sections of the rules.

Useful links:

Chat Rules:

1. No swearing

2. No bullying, put-downs, or other harassment

3. No spamming

Punishment: Breaking any of these rules can result in a temporary/permanent mute

1: No innapropriate nicknames

2: No Griefing

3: No abuse or bullying

4: No HACKED Clients

5: No sharing personal information. eg Credit cards or passwords

6: No Crashing the server or attempting to crash the server. This will result in a ban

7: No spamming chats or commands, This will crash the game and will ruin the experience for everyone else

8: No impersonation. eg, Trying to look like admin 

9: No Hacked swords or any other tools

10: No asking for admin. You need to apply for an application. Will be open soon

11: Have Fun